Noun Spellings

101 Nouns

Number & Possession

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Three Rules of Noun Forms:

  1. Sometimes add “s” for plural.
  2. Always add “s” and ‘ (apostrophe) for possessive.
  3. Only add ones.

So, only add only ‘ (apostrophe) if the ending “s” was added to make it plural.

Singular Plural Singular
[NOUN] [NOUN] +s [NOUN] +s [NOUN] +s
apple apples apples apples
Mark Marks Marks Marks
Johnson Johnsons Johnsons Johnsons
[NOUN] {}
{s ss sh ch x o}
[NOUN] {} +es
{s ss sh ch x o}
[NOUN] {} +s
{s ss sh ch x o}
[NOUN] {} +es
{s ss sh ch x o}
atlas atlases atlass atlases
boss bosses bosss bosses
marsh marshes marshs marshes
stitch stitches stitchs stitches
fox foxes foxs foxes
potato potatoes potatos potatoes
Jones Joneses Joness Jonses
[NOUN] y [NOUN] y→i +es [NOUN] y +s [NOUN] y→i +es
puppy puppies puppys puppies
pinky pinkies pinkys pinkies
lady ladies ladys ladies
city cities citys cities
[NOUN] {}
{ay ey oy uy}
[NOUN] {} +s
{ay ey oy uy}
[NOUN] {} +s
{ay ey oy uy}
[NOUN] {} +s
{ay ey oy uy}
bay bays bays bays
key key keys keys
boy boy boys boys
 guy guy guys guys
child children childs childrens
mouse mice mouses mices
person people persons peoples
a people many peoples a peoples many peoples
money monies
moneys (pre 1970)
moneys monies
moneys (pre 1970)
it they its
(no apostrophe)